Saturday, February 26, 2011

Bermula sesi sekolah

Salam semua....ramai ke pembaca berita kami di sini ek? hehehe.its ok. I write coz i know my family would like to know about our life here. Far away from home. :( ok2, takmo sedih2 plak. Asyik homesick saja tau. :p, i got a post in the ajk here. Sort of getting my life bussier. Am not complaining but schedule became packed. Plus my gurl has enrolled at a pre-school nearby.

Ok berbalik cerita sekolah, Kayin dah masuk sekolah. Isnin hingga Khamis, 8.45pagi hingga 11.45pagi. Sekejap sahaja. Just a pre-school. She demanded to go to school. Likewise its her hak untuk bersekolah. Actually she's be getting into her elementary school in September. In the States, enrolment of new term starts in September. Macam di tahanair, kita masuk sekolah bulan 1 kan?

She was so happy to go to school and we can see her development. Her second language becomes better, the interaction with new friends, teachers. I am so happy coz she never complaint of her time in school. Tapi masuk je kereta pukul 11.45pagi terus mintak susu. hehee...Kayin...kayin...

Kami sekeluarga berdoa agar di tetapkan Iman anak kami sewaktu belajar di muka bumi Amerika ini.

"Ya Allah, lindungilah diriku dan anakku serta seluruh keluargaku dari Syaitan yang direjam. Tetapkanlah Iman kami untukMu Ya Allah. Hidup mati kami demi Islam Ya Allah. AMinnn..


  1. Insyaallah kayin will be ok.. tetap or not iman bergantung kepada ibubapa, kita kena la pandai2 supervise. alhamdulillah both my girls are doing ok, so far. kakak dah 5 thn sekolah kat sini, adik dah almost 6 mths in preschool, sept nanti dah masuk reception (kindy) kat sekolah rendah. my kenit pun sama, sampai je rumah terus mintak susu (dlm botol!)

  2. btw lyn, i created my blog for my families (and friends) kat msia punya consumption jugak; they want to know about our wellbeing. i'm not bothered kalau org lain nak baca or not..saja syok sendiri kan haha

  3. haah kak noni, i am blessed to hear that, so far so good. once a month they have the chapel session but i had informed the principal that i will accompany khairyn while they have that session. they had called me. lyn tunggu kayin dlm kelas. syukur lah.

    so far mahu mengaji muqaddam, alhamdulillah.

    kak noni, whats the othe blog?? am eager to browse and read it.. :)
