Just can't wait! Mode : Holiday!!
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Blood in his stool
Salam and hello to all. This morning i have noticed my son having red spots in his stool. He is 14 months old. I began to worry....of why? how? Quickly I decided to go to his paed and seek for advice. After prepare him with comfort, i took my camera and snap few photos of the evidence. It's to ease me on how to explain the detail to his paed, Dr. Serena.
I drove and thank God I've got a parking nearby and there were no patience! At All! Usually this clinic filled with kids and parents. Later I got in and started to inform on what happened, how, when and everything. When Dr. Serena saw the photos and she said, his rectum is injured due to hard stool for last couple of days. Fiuuh! Lega rasa dihati, syukur alhamdulillah.
He must take 5ml of Luctucose three times a day for two weeks. Hopefully he will recover soon. Amin..
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Movie with him
Sangat lama tak tengok movie bersama my love. The last time was around 2007 where khairyn was still in my womb aged eight months! hehehe...tengok superman ke spiderman masa tu. Kena bebel dengan mak saya kerana dah boncet-boncet masih ke panggung wayang. Takut terberanak ke, sapa yang susah. Syukur, sempat la habis tengok and it was midnite! I had fun watching movie with my love ever since we were studying. :)
Nak cerita pasal wayang ni, saya dan suami mepunyai kegemaran genre yang sangat berbeza!! Tak tipu, percayalah. Saya suke komedi romantik+kekeluargaan+percintaan yang tak berapa berat. Tetapi si dia lebih suke cerita hantu+menyeramkan+debaran!!arghhhh...saya tak suke! :P Namun, kami suke tengok cerita penyiasatan..erm..lawan-lawan..kira ok lah. He do not mind accompany me to watch my chosen movie but i dare not going into cinema for horror movie! Hehehee...iye nampak saya tak adil, tapi daripada saya jerit satu panggung terkejut, baik saya dok rumah. Dia gi tengok dengan kawan. :)
The lastest movie we've been watching together was 'Killers'. Seriously just fall in love with this movie! I loved to rate 11 stars out of 10! Hillarious+fun+tempting yet the love shown between couple just blown my heart away.
P/s :- Gonna buy the dvd once it releases at spee*y! Yeay!!
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Sambal Belacan
Perbualan di antara si anak dengan ayahnya;
Anak : Hello..ayah, mak mane?
Ayah : Mak dalam Te*co, beli barang.
Anak : Alah..mak tak angkat fon ni, **** nak buat sambal belacan.
Ayah : Oooo..senang aje.
Anak : Tapi cili merah takde lah..:(
Ayah : Cili ijau pun boleh. Kamu ambik bawang dengan cili ijau tu, tumbuk dengan belacan yang dah di bakar.
Anak : OOOOoooooo....macam tu ek, ok2 **** cube. Thank you Ayah!
Ayah : Most welcome.
Hati girang si anak pegi ke dapur menghabiskan kerja memasaknya. Dengan penuh dedikasi mengikut cara-cara membuat sambal belacan yang telah di ajar oleh si Ayah.
I am not a good cook but always love to try to cook something new and loved by others. :)
Anak : Hello..ayah, mak mane?
Ayah : Mak dalam Te*co, beli barang.
Anak : Alah..mak tak angkat fon ni, **** nak buat sambal belacan.
Ayah : Oooo..senang aje.
Anak : Tapi cili merah takde lah..:(
Ayah : Cili ijau pun boleh. Kamu ambik bawang dengan cili ijau tu, tumbuk dengan belacan yang dah di bakar.
Anak : OOOOoooooo....macam tu ek, ok2 **** cube. Thank you Ayah!
Ayah : Most welcome.
Hati girang si anak pegi ke dapur menghabiskan kerja memasaknya. Dengan penuh dedikasi mengikut cara-cara membuat sambal belacan yang telah di ajar oleh si Ayah.
I am not a good cook but always love to try to cook something new and loved by others. :)
Happy Birthday Ayah & Happy father's day
We had a simple and small birthday celebration for my Ayah as he turns 59 this year. A lunch at the Gar*en's with my parent+me & my kids + my youngest sister. His birthday was on Thursdays, so my other siblings were at work yet my love still in Dubai, coz his flight at 1845!
~ The King & Queen of my heart. :)
~ Yummeeeyy...:P
~ My hero.
~ My barbie.
We Bought him a watch and he is happy with the design and size. (hehe..once I have bought him a watch while waiting for my flight back from Dubai to KL, unfortunately the size doesn't matches his. Was too big..haha!! my love and I love big watches! So was so happy this time I can see a big smile on his face. Lega!!)
Sometimes a simple and quiet event marked a memorable one in my heart. I love you Ayah and happy birthday. Xoxo.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Warung Ibu
Alhamdulillah, I got the chance to meet a few of my Petronia friends after I left Khartoum on January 13th. It was an unplanned event and luckily many families turn up. Warung Ibu, was the venue for the event and its owned by Kak Mas parent. It was about 45 minutes for my hometown. Went there with my Khairyn and my sister, Zura.
This Warung Ibu situated along Jalan Tanjung Karang, about 12 minutes from the Town of Kuala Selangor. If you drive from Kuala Selangor/KL the warung will be on your right. The main menu of this Warung Ibu is Nasi Ambeng (Javanese traditional food), 'soto' and also 'lauk kampung'. They also offer you 'home-stay' package. There are three rooms named 'Bilik Asam Boi', 'Bilik Soto' and 'Bilik Ambeng' and only cost you RM50/nite per room. For those who want to experience a village life + fresh seafood + historical visit at Kuala Selangor, you can try this 'home-stay' at Warung Ibu.
~ Kids were bz playing around
~ And the mommies bz snap here and there! :P
Seronoklah dapat jumpa kawan-kawan dan makan 'seafood' yang segar dan sedap! Siap ada nasi ambeng (yang sebenarnya tak sedar lauk pauk dihidangkan pelengkap nasi ambeng!!LOL) Macam-macam menu ada..air asam boi yang tah berapa gelas saya teguk & ikan pari+udang+mentarang bakar. Sangat sedap okeeey...habis lari diet mak! hehe..
~ Orang kuat giat membakar hasil tangkapan. Gulp!
~ Happy!!
Khairyn had fun playing around too. We ate+chat+laughed+gossiping and anything you could ever think of! I loved to thank Kak Mas for everything. Thou the event was a simple one yet a memorable for me. Till we meet again my dear friends.
~ Our group photo.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
31 July 2007 - 16 June 2010
The title reflects the length of time spent in Khartoum, Sudan. But of course it was not a complete duration due to the holidays, the 'balik kampung' and the ptk exam (for my hubby). As for me, i went back home since almost ten months for my second pregnancy + confinement + baby completed his 4th immunisation injections. Erm, let me recall my journey for being away far far away from home.
- 31 July 2007 - Landed in Khartoum, Sudan.
- October 2007 - Dubai. (4 days)
- December 2007 - Dubai. (4 days)
- February 2008 - 'Balik kampung' for 28 days.
- July 2008 - Uk + Paris - summer holidays (12 days).
- September 2008 - 'Balik kampung' for Aidilfitri. [continued my holidays - second pregnancy].
- 14 April 2009 - Delivered Khairul Asyraaf Khairul Azam.
- August 2009 - Flew back to Khartoum, three days before Ramadhan.
- November 2009 - Istanbul & Egypt holidays with my parent.
- 13 January 2010 - Flew back for emergency case. I was diagnosed to have malaria of the first blood test. The second check-up was negative, alhamdulillah. But hubby decided to fly back for further medical check-up in Malaysia. [Me and the kids stayed home while hubby continued working in Khartoum until 16 June 2010.]
At the moment (16 June 2010) he is busy attending his farewell organised by his office and close friends. I am teribbly sorry for not giving my super duper excellent friends in Khartoum a real farewell since I stayed home as I got back in hurry last January. I am blessed to have them as part of my family while staying there. We had good time for bbq, birthday party, 'kenduri', ad-hoc 'makan-makan', 'lepakking' for football games and everything I could ever named it!!! We had fun indeed!!!
Syukur, alhamdulillah we survived. Thank you Khartoum for the meaningful experiences. The place that had given me the meaning of real life. :)
Umrah - Ziarah
Mekkah and Madinah, these two valuable places that I love to visit again and again. I had the chance to perform my umrah way back in 2001 together with my family - my parent and the four of us. The 14days spent were marvellous. No word to describe my feelings, my eyes, my ears, experiences, challenges during the umrah. Thank Allah for giving me the chance to complete my umrah with my family. The most unforgettable memories between me and my immediate family before me and my eldest brother got married! :)
~ My cikmah and her family.
~My youngest aunty and her family+my gurl.
This time, five of my aunties and two uncles (from my maternal family) went for umrah-ziarah. The first three days in Turkey (Istanbul & Bursa) and the remaining days will be in Jeddah+Mekkah+Madinah. I've been in those places except Bursa and seriously I have to repeat for Turkey in any season except winter. Was there during 2009 winter and it was too cold! I even didn't get onto the Bosphorus Cruise!! Its ok thou, Insya Allah we will plan again to visit Turkey.
I pray Allah gives them strength and patience while doing the umrah and also ease their journey. I pray that I will get to do my umrah again soon...Aminnn.... On top of day I pray hard that I will be given by Allah to perform my Hajj with my beloved husband. Aminnnn...Monday, June 14, 2010
Life temporarily without my other half.

It was nearly half a year that i didn't write. I did not update my http://khairyn.fotopages.com/ My last post was made on the 3rd January 2010 and it was while staying in the country with two different political views, religion and belief, lifestyle and languages. Alhamdulillah, i had survived for approximately two years (minus one year for my pregnancy and confinement). Syukur.
Mmm...Was away from my other half for almost a year had change me into a more independent person. I can sense dat, where i took the responsibility to be a single parent temporarily. It is hectic but at the end of the day, i feel blessed. I had the chance to raised my two beautiful and healthy angels. This time around i have to prepare their needs on my own. Prepare their susu, food, bathe them, play together, pee-ka-boo, do the mickeymouse clubhouse dance, sing the dibo theme song. They put a big smile on my face whenever i miss him.
Insya Allah, this coming Friday, i will fetch him. We will reunite again and this time for good. May Allah bless me and my family and shower us with His love and prosperity. Amin..
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