It was nearly half a year that i didn't write. I did not update my http://khairyn.fotopages.com/ My last post was made on the 3rd January 2010 and it was while staying in the country with two different political views, religion and belief, lifestyle and languages. Alhamdulillah, i had survived for approximately two years (minus one year for my pregnancy and confinement). Syukur.
Mmm...Was away from my other half for almost a year had change me into a more independent person. I can sense dat, where i took the responsibility to be a single parent temporarily. It is hectic but at the end of the day, i feel blessed. I had the chance to raised my two beautiful and healthy angels. This time around i have to prepare their needs on my own. Prepare their susu, food, bathe them, play together, pee-ka-boo, do the mickeymouse clubhouse dance, sing the dibo theme song. They put a big smile on my face whenever i miss him.
Insya Allah, this coming Friday, i will fetch him. We will reunite again and this time for good. May Allah bless me and my family and shower us with His love and prosperity. Amin..
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